
Cross-platform and lightweight note-taking app based on GitHub Electron

Relevant information from keywords found in the document can be found from Wolfram-Alpha by hitting the analyze button. More specific search information can be found real time by simply highlighting the desired text. Information from the sidebar can be drag and dropped, or copy-pasted, into the document, whether it consists purely of text, or images and graphs as well.


Version 0.1


Binaries are available on the Releases page

You can also install and run from source (make sure you have npm installed):

git clone https://github.com/ProPorygon/electron-notes.git

In the electron-notes directory, run:

npm install
npm start


Highlight words or sentences to get more information on a specific query.

Press analyze to get information on keywords in the entire document.

The app is also a fully functional text editor.

To run from source: Make sure you have npm installed, then 'npm install' and 'npm start'


Kevin Renner

Ziwei Ba

Harrison Qu


The MIT License (MIT)

View LICENSE file for details.